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Hey guys, I'm terribly exhausted.

I am not pleased with the amount of content coded in yet, there's still plenty I want to have coded in before I send out 0.19 out, so I'll give it another 24 hours before putting out the early accesses. Adding in the art assets and lip syncing the characters with the right emotions are definitely more time consuming than it should be. Note to self, don't lip sync stuff like this in future games.

Apologies for constantly changing and delaying this particular update, lots of irl stuff happened plus the whole Patreon skamoozie. Thanks for your patience.




take your time

ButterNut Squash

Don't work yourself too hard my dude, we care about you and don't want to see you in pain over getting the game to us faster. We can wait for it for as long as you need.


as Torbjorn says "Completion date? *chuckles* When it's done."


Its fine as long as we can get our perv on


No worries dude

Jason Tate

no worries


keep up the good work mate, appreciate it


Go ahead, you can say it. "Morah fucked up the code and we had to back track everything thanks to that twat." I'll understand, Gee. :P


Keep doing what your doing bro make this as perfect as you can