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From left to right - 1, 2, 3, and 4.

When she isn't working, Miss Allaway likes to chill at home and watch webflicks, or go out to the cafe and eat brunch or to the park for some fresh air. Her interest in action movies and the fight club give off that tomboy-ish vibe.



2 for when she is at the park or just hanging out 3 for when she is out on a date or some place nice.

Adam Kindering

I like one with the hoodie from 2


LIke Movie buff said, 2 is best. Because of her character, she is somewhat shy, and so, a hoodie, is much more appropriate.


3 would be best for when she's willing to go on a date, or if she's feeling particularly adventurous for a day. 2 would probably work best overall for when she chooses to stay in or is just doing mundane work.


I feel like 2 makes her look like ether "one of the guys" or a shut in. 1 has a better feel for im someone who leaves the house. for at home id say 2 but out and about id say 1. if she went on a date, 3.


1 or 2 fits how her character is. She mentions laying around at home and being naked and comfortable. Those 2 perfectly show what I would imagine as "comfy clothing"