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I'll be streaming in approximately 15 minutes! Come join me, ask me questions, share your ideas, rant about something, talk about boobs, take a peek at the next update, or reveal your food fetishes with me. If you cannot make the stream, do not fret! It will be posted in the stream archive sometime afterwards!

Stream: https://picarto.tv/GeeSeki 

Stream Archive: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLmu1VSxNUdSeSptkYRLfZXh45tERw4uFX



Young & Naughty



That is code name for the girl with the pink bow in her hair. Y'know... as she was a female replica of him.


There was no intention to blame it badly. If it feels like that, I apologize to you. Thank you for your kind reply.


I started contributing to this project because I heard there'd be a female main character in a future update. Is that rumor true or will it simply be a supporting character? In any case I don't regret throwing 10 dollars your way because this game is great regardless


I may be digging myself a hole here with the naming, no, there's no female main character in the future. What you're hearing is the nickname I gave to the MC's... womb buddy... y'know, uh the girl with the pink bow in her hair, Female MC.


damn :( well it's a good game anyways so I may as well support your project until next month or so


Well, welcome aboard. There's also a chance that you might've heard that I may make the girl with the pink bow a protagonist in a very short 'DLC-like' spin off when I've finished the main game but that's too far into the future and not really thought much upon.


Honestly I'd pay good money to play that hypothetical spin-off. I wish you the best of luck finishing the main game and I hope to see more games from you in the far future

Jessamyn Howe

Would this hypothetical future mini-game be in any way related to the start of her online career? I'd love to see a game from the girl's POV, choosing which persona to adopt, which toys, outfit, acts, how to respond to certain requests, etc. (Huniepop dropped the ball making their sequel a clicker. Still salty, lol)


That is far from what I'm thinking of at the moment but it'll obviously be from her perspective and I'm wondering whether or not I should set it during the game's timeline or after it.