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This is Mina, she's a police officer in the town, not the only one of course but the main one that you'll interact with. She's very dedicated to her career, she tends to overwork herself, she's quite hot-headed and short tempered but she does her best to seem as professional as possible.

Let me know which design shouts out to you based on pure appearance but also based on her personality. Tell me what you like, what you dislike, if you were to mix and match, what would it be? 

Thanks, guys. There'll be 2 other characters (male characters) to be discussed on in the coming days. If you see a comment that you agree with, give it a like, it helps me tally up the results easier.




Take the pants from 1 and the jacket and Hairstyle from 3. It gives her a more professional feeling that compliments her dedication to her job.


Shirt and hat from 1, bottoms from 2 and hairstyle from 3


I would definitely say 3. It gives her the look of being dedicated to her job, and that she maybe significantly higher up as far as careers' go, possibly a lieutenant or major (or an equivalent thereof). This would also explain why she's overworked and that her job might be causing her a significant amount of stress.


I prefer 2, but it was not an easy choice to make.

Mog Moogle

I like 1, but with the hairstyle of 3.


I prefer 2


2 is a good medium between the two cause I can’t decide on 1 or 3. Personally though I would take 3’s look with the Hairstyle and Hat of 1’s look

John Burns Burnsey

"Do TASE me GIRL!!!" So about some 'accessory' idea. Taser, Nightstick... Perhaps I've said to much.


Is that a Futa I smell?


It depends on how far along she is in her career I think. And what kind of cop she is. If she's a rookie, #1 is great. Perhaps with #2's shirt and shorts for beach-duty. If she's higher in the chain of command, #3's outfit might work better, if with longer pants or a skirt. I'm not quite sold on the hairstyles though, #3's a bit too conservative on a younger woman and #2's looks like a flowerpot-cut. If she's forensic, she might keep a shorter hairstyle, potentially with a thin ponytail. Maybe though... She looks a bit skinny. As a cop (not the donut-chasing variety) she should be a bit more buff. Especially in the legs.


the third one, also, teodoro made an interesting question of futa. i think it'd be an interesting addition for a character


It might seem cliche' but I feel 1 is perfect. Very professional looking. 3s hairstyle also looks very professional but I honestly prefer all of 1.


I like 2 the most


I prefer 2 the most paired with 3's hairstyle!


3 obviously


i like one but with 3's hair




Hairstyle - 3 Outfit - 1 (save 2 for a later event)


it'd be grate to see #3 shirt with #2 skirt with #1 hair or have #3 have #1's pant's


2 she has that professional but sexy look about her.


I hope not. I hope we can keep this game as "normal" as possible without adding that and bestiality to it. Although I hope we do get a chance to have impregnation in the game no matter who it is that is female.

Aaron Falcsik

I like #2, with the hair style of #1. #3 makes her look like the police chief, unless that was what you were going for.


I'd say, and excuse me for getting too much into knowledge about this, but depends on her rank. If she'll be a high-ranking officer, It'd be perfect for her to be #3 with the skirt of #2, if just a normal patrol officer, #1 with cap of #2. Thanks, and once again, excuse my depth in realism.


I won't be taking any more 'votes' as you may call it. The results are #1's outfit with #3's hairstyle. With or without the hat is questionable. Most likely without the hat.