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First off before I get into the update, I just wanna let you know that 0.15b is in its ($7+) 3-day early access now and it will be released to the rest of you on Valentine's Day according to your reward tier.

What am I working on currently for Alpha 0.16? Well, I'm focusing on writing all or at least 80% of the Female MC's story, just so I have that part covered and all I have to do after that is mindlessly code in all the dialogue and work on the art for in over time. But no, just because I may get a large amount of the writing done, doesn't mean I'll have it all included in the next update. It'll just be there.

I guess after that, the only other things that I want to have done is to have the art assets completed from 0.15 which includes the 2 new locations, 2 new characters, and a variety of items included for the new skill system. I kinda sorta have it worked out already with what those items are, hopefully they come out alright. That's the plan and I have about 4-5 weeks until the next (yet-to-be) scheduled releases.

Thanks for the support and patience with me lately, love you, perverts. GeeSeki Out.




cant wait geeseki keep up the awesome work


is there a post that talks about saves between game versions? I think I've seen it somewhere and I'm getting ready for 0.15 but I don't want to start over.


saves between versions is iffy as you may run into avoidable bugs and failed trigger points. It's always recommend that you start a new game or use a loaded preset save state that I provide with each version. You can also use the cheats to manipulate the points to your liking or to how you previously had them if you wish.


Sweet, thanks man, just started fresh because why not. You reply fast as hell.