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GeeSeki Note: This is the last time I'll post polls under the original reward tiers as the new ones aren't in effect yet.

The title says it all. I've listed some vague, general physical traits below and I'll create a personality based on the physical results. This will solely be a minor character.

Grouped Traits:

  • Female or Male
  • Attractive, Unattractive or Average Looking
  • Youngish, Middle Aged, Oldish
  • Skinny, Chubby/Thicc, Athletic

Whichever one from each grouped traits will be the one I go with. Nothing is set in stone. There's definitely a more organised and easier way to poll this but this is some pretty straight forward stuff. Thanks guys. 



Looks like chubby/thick is going to win out . There's a lot of ways you can go with that though. What are you planning to do if that wins the poll?


I'll feel it out. Work on a couple of designs and let people decide on which design, colour palettes, name, etc.


happy you're back, can't wait for more great content