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Surprise Mofos. I'm back from my 2 week vacation. No, I'm not dead. No I didn't abandon this project. And no, Patreon didn't hunt me down and hold me captive. They probably will though because screw their creators am I right?

And yes, I did mention it a couple of times in the past, either in posts, comments, streams or discord. Sorry, I completely forgot to make an official 2 week hiatus post before I left, everything was so hectic before I left. I hope some of you remembered that I was going away for 2 weeks and have let the curious ones know.

As of writing this post, it's still hectic to a point where I'm not able to fully put myself 100% back into work as I'm taking care of some things as well as I have a lot of life stuff to attend to this month.

The official release dates for 0.15 will be released under the new rewards and are as followed:

$10+ Patrons - Alpha 0.15 - 7th of Feburary
​$7+ Patrons - Alpha 0.15 - 11th of February
$1+ Patrons - Alpha 0.15 - 14th of February
Free Public - Alpha 0.14 - 14th of February

It'll take me a bit to get back into the swing of things, work out what's left to be done and what have I already done before I left. Godspeed to me.

If you have any questions that weren't answered in the time that I was away or just anything you wanna bring up, please do so here! Thanks for the patience guys, let's get ATU rolling again!

Love you, perverts. GeeSeki out.




Welcome Back, Hope ya had a great vacation..... Now git yer ass ta werk!!! :P :D CHEERS


GeeSeki, really dig your style of game design. I'm a fairly recent player of ATU, and I was blown away at the amount of detail you put into your game. This along with SummerTime Saga are like in contention for my favorite thing ever! Keep up the great work.