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Time for an update that isn't release date related.

Alpha 0.13:

First off, to anyone who hasn't played 0.13 yet. I've added a feature that allows you to get around blockades and errors within the game so you can just continue without waiting for a fix for it. To use it, activate the cheats and turn the cheat on. On your PC in your room, you well then get an option called 'Bug Test Fail Safe'. It'll explain itself from there. Sorry it took so long for this to be implemented, I have only just though of it today and I haven't seen someone suggest it before.

I mentioned to all the early access users that it's available only in builds available to early access users but I'm honestly too lazy to pump out another build just to disable that feature. So it'll be within the build for ALL patrons but STILL only available with the use of a cheat code.

Alpha 0.14:

I've gotten quite a bit of misc art done in the past week during early access week, including clickable characters in the world so you can trigger various conversations with them. In addition to those conversations, I'll be adding quite a bit of them and will assign them to a schedule and some conversations will depend on where in the story other characters are, sort of intertwining the world together.

I've also completely redone the skill level art assets so they don't look like ass' ass turd. Click through to check out the changes. 

From now though, I'll be working on Sister's Story and mostly only her story. I want to utilize the early access week to work on misc stuff so that I don't need to worry about adding onto and messing with the game files and coding while bug fixing is going on.

"More Advance" Shading Milestone Goal:

I'm thinking of taking that milestone goal down sometime next month. As much as I wish we could go through with that from the beginning, I feel like it'll be more of a burden to the development, (not the game quality), the physical development of the game when we reach a stage where the game is too deep for the shading improvement to catch up. I know a LOT of you really wanted that to be implemented into the game but at this point, I feel the weight of that labor is outweighing the benefits. All I can really provide to you is polishing older art and making sure the H-scenes have decently good animation for what it is.

If you wanna discuss this issue with me or wanna have a say in the matter, send me a PM. 

How's Gee Doing?

As you guys may know, I'm down a programmer and a writer. My assisting BG artist, Dexter and Composer, Fealow are on a hiatus or inactive so it's been just me right now and I'm fine with that. ATU doesn't have a fully fledged team working around the clock but I find myself working much more efficiently when I'm doing the writing, art, and programming myself. Like back when I was still building this game from the ground up, I was determined to show how well a 1 man team CAN work, that's the motivation I have right now. There's no discussing and arguing with others, I can get stuff done on the spot without waiting on someone and make decisions on the fly. With that being said, I really appreciate the work and help that Rubae (writer) and Cipheos (programmer) did for this project, I've definitely learnt a lot from them.

And a extra extra thank you to all of you fuckin beautiful, perverted people. I can't believe almost 1 year ago that I would still be here working on ATU. I said it once and I'll burn it in your minds, this game is nothing without you.

Love you all, take care. Peace
-GeeSeki 2017




Pervs Luv Gee. :P :D CHEERS


You're doing an incredible amount of work. Don't burn yourself out in January!


I'm just doing the best I can :) I've forced myself into an 8-9 hour schedule everyday and it's working out better than a fluctuating work schedule

Mog Moogle

Keep up the good work kupo

Manual Blast

Well color me intrigued. I really like the artstyle, and I wasn't expecting the plot to hook me like it did. I'll be keeping an eye on what you got here Gee!