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It's coming to the end of the month and I want to remind you guys of the release dates for both 0.13 and 0.14.

$15+ Patrons - Alpha 0.13 - November 22nd
$10+ Patrons - Alpha 0.13 - November 24th
$5+ Patrons - Alpha 0.13 - November 26rd
$1+ Patrons - Alpha 0.13 - November 29th
Free Public - Alpha 0.12 - November 29th 

0.13 is currently in it's 3-day early access and the $1+ release will drop very close to the end of the month.

As for 0.14, there won't be any releases during the month of December, instead, the 7-day early access and so forth will drop at the start of January, most likely the 3rd of 4th when the December pledges have been processed so if you're REALLY that tight on moolah, feel free to pause your pledge for that month. I'll still be working and developing the game as usual, the only difference is there won't be any builds to give out in December.

I just also want to give you a heads up notice that in the middle of January, I'll be overseas on holiday for about 2 weeks. I'm either going to pause the monthly pledges for January and work on another project during that month or work overtime (about 12 hours each day for 14 days so it accumulates to 160+ hours in the month) for the first 2 weeks to make up for the last 2 weeks and keep the monthly pledges. What do you think I should do?




I love this and can't wait for more updates. I honestly don't think it would be a good idea to pause the pledges for 2 months so to speak. I think I would be willing to up my pledge for January if it meant that you worked OT on this project.


December monthly pledges will still be active, it's really up to you if you want to pause your pledges voluntarily but if I chose to pause the monthly pledge for January, then I'd choose to have the whole month to do something else. Otherwise I would work OT to compensate for the holiday :)


more then happy to keep buying you snacks, worth it just to keep from having to lurk the forum


Hmmm... Well you should be careful. Working OT would be nice, but... you deserve a holiday. Someone with a serious burnout won't finish the game either, but you're a better judge of how things are than I.


Agree with Sparkbomber DO NOT burn yourself out. Take your time for ATU, I kinda feel iffy you working on another project though. Be well enjoy your vacation. :D CHEERS


Thanks man, by another project I just meant doing art under another name


Possibly instead of 12 hours a day for 2 weeks, I can do weekends in December and weekends in January while maintaining 8 hours a day


where is the cheat code for this one?


It's in the 3-day early access post (the previous post to this one)