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Yes, these kinds of counters.

I've always found it a little weird how you talk to these characters in these locations and it's as if they have hopped over the counter and are talking to you in front of it. At the same time, the counter at 100% opacity covers up the sprite which is kind of a no-no. Especially with Janae. At the moment, it's at 60% opacity.



Is it possible to include a settings toggle for the counters?


I thought that too, but I wanna see what the result will be assuming it's not togglable.


I'd like them to be 100% opaque tbh, as a patron.


I like the 60% version. :D CHEERS


i like hte idea but i think they should only be opaque if ur under there doing.....things otherwise theres no point but u do u


100%, but draw the counter sideways between the sprites. like it's cut open and the "camera" stands beside it.


you could use this in story telling... girl at customer service strangely never has pants on behind the counter?