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Hey, so I sketched these out a few days ago during a stream but I haven't yet chosen one or a design yet. I want your feedback on what you like

Her name is unknown, I'm going to be using a name generator as I always do. She's going to be mainly a retail assistant that you will interact with to buy items. I'll most likely end up giving her a mini side story when it comes since she's so darn cute.

Things to point out include: Hairstyle, Glasses, Top, Bottom, Accessories, Misc.

I'll take all your feedback into consideration and I'll come up with a final design.

Personally, I like the 2nd hair, with the hoop earrings, 1st shirt (since she is in a work environment after all) but paired with the skirt. Also a small watch.



Sural Argonus

Toss up between 1 or 2...Maybe 2 with 1's hair maybe?


I think 2's hairstyle with 3's clothing. It gives her an air of professionalism while still making her seem laid back. As for accessories I'm thinking some half moon glasses with a choker around her neck with a Star of David on it. Maybe have her wear a cute little watch with a cat or something on it. It might add a pleasant quirkiness to the character.


I like the 2nd and 4th hair, leaning towards the 4th with glasses due to that reserved shy girl style which is pretty attractive. Pants are a no for me, it's a shopping mall, not a bank, unless she works at Macy's, there's no need to be overly professional. Skirt all the way. I also prefer the 1st shirt as well. So I guess if it was up to me, exactly the same tastes you have except my first choice would be hair 4 due to the reserved shy girl vibe, with glasses. Seems like she'd be a hardcore gamer or erotic fanfic writer, which she tries to keep secret, in her spare time and actually quite eccentric, awkward, but really cute and adorable because of it. You could even have the MC find one of her novels or magazines under her alias as another book/maggazine collection, which would be a fun sidestory and make for some entertaining interactions. Though I suppose that's sort of like Hitomi, sans the video games and comics instead. Although Hitomi seems more level headed and direct, as well as laid back. Kinda like she's "one of the guys". Second choice would be also the same, except hair 2, the hairstyle is a lot more outgoing and confident to me though, and I guess the personality would probably reflect that as well. I guess an awkard cutiepie shygirl who's embarrassed easily that makes for humourous situations and interactions whenever you see her at the mall is a fun idea for me. Accessories on hair 4 to reflect the character could be various video game themed memorabilia, like a triforce or heart necklace, some cute oval glasses, or something along those lines reflecting whatever your favourite oldschool games as a child were. Accessories on hair 2 would probably be a lot more basic, and fashion-related, like hooped earrings, fancy watches, or something.


I agree with your style choice Gee and I like the mini story premise of Chiru. :D CHEERS


I like 2's shorts


I like long hair and glasses, rock is great.


#2 hair, with hoop earrings and skirt, also with the glasses from #4, glasses give you the 'i'm in charge of the store' look


As for someone who has worked at several stores and other workplaces. Uniform is a strict thing. You get a shirt, you get pants. Pants are always suppose to be dark, and the shirt is either a sweater or a button-up shirt (Either long sleeve or short) For "Incognito" you normally use a regular T-shirt with the logo of your store on it. So in my opinion. Nr.3 has the most realistic look as a retail employee. The size of the Button-up shirt can be either long or short sleeved. (so you know. If you give the Button Shirt short sleeves, that would look like every place I have worked at)


Do number 3 with number 2's hair :)