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Refer to the previous post's image first.

So based the results for the last poll between the current phone style and the vertical phone style was actually closer than I would have imagined. I was watching the results and even hours into it, both preferences got ahead of each other at one point or even had equal votes.

Even though the current style won by 57% (as of 24 hours when the poll ran) and the other style got 43% votes, that's only a 7% skew. I got a suggestion to mockup up the vertical style in a horizontal manner (so you can still see the hands) and I did just that. (Not really mockup since I wanted you to see what it would actually look like).

I'm hoping that this end up with more of a landslide win than a small win.

Top Style Pros: Already implemented, utilizes the screen space.

Bottom Style Pros: Additional style points? Easy to convert to, Same button layout, no scrolling, just a little smaller but still just as readable.


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