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Before I begin to even add the code for the objectives and achievements (I'm still working out how to go about the achievements)

Based on the image of the previous post: Which do you prefer?

Top version pros: Utilizes the whole screen space, is already implemented so I don't have to spend time recoding the phone

Bottom version: More pleasing to the eye (in my opinion), has a scrolling layout rather than pages and buttons.



Aesthetically the second, but practically the first.


Top, and if you must, you can mock up a first time image of him holding the phone sideways if you want to contextualize it. No sense wasting player screen space in a core menu system, and you wouldn't have to scroll if the screen weren't so constricted, it's a solution to a problem that doesn't need to exist. :\


Not a bad idea. I'll make a mockup tomorrow maybe? The votes as of now are surprisingly closer than I imagined it to be


keep what you got it works and looks good. :D CHEERS