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I mentioned it before about moving the approximated release dates back a bit due to some set back and I've decided on these release days (Morning EST Time). 

7 day early release: 8th of May
5 day early release: 10th of May
3 day early release: 12th of May
*Public and Patron-Only release: 15th of May 

* Public being Alpha 0.06 and Patron-Only being Alpha 0.07

Between Public/Patron-Only Release of the previous version and 7-day early access of the coming version, I only get to spend 2 weeks working on the update rather than the 3 weeks that I'd prefer, which is why the bug fixing week (week starting from 7-day early release) is also going to be the week where I finish off the misc art needed to be done.

If you are one of the early accessors, you will have all the gameplay to go through including the H-Scene art. By the Patron-Only Release, the only thing changed is some bug fixes and additional art.

That's basically it, I should include this information into the description.




Good job. Thanks for the update. :D CHEERS


more content with the mother or just conversations ? :o


? :-/

Mighty J

Thanks 😁