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1. Make sure you have MCC installed and you have both the Halo 1 Campaign and Halo 1 Multiplayer downloaded. You need both or the mod won't load.

2. Open the workshop link below and subscribe to the mod.

3. Make sure you launch MCC with anti-cheat off.

4. The mod should automatically update when you launch the game.

Crowd Control

If you want to use CC then download it from there website. It's pretty simple to set up.



If you are looking for people to play with or chat about the mod come hang out in the #halo channel of the discord.


Steam Download

Steam Workshop Page: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2962107814

Known Issues & Bugs

Certain features of the mod are enabled/disabled in online cooperative play. Suit upgrades only work in single player due to engine limitations and certain AI characters are replaced by the second player in coop.

The multiplayer maps do sometimes crash on load. If you crash while loading into a multiplayer match you can just reload the game and join in progress and it should be fine. I don't think there is anything I can do about this sadly.

When playing coop online please be aware there is currently a desync bug! If you complete a level in coop and the game automatically loads the next level the game will desync. All you have to do is exit to the main menu and start the next mission from the mission list manually. 343 will hopefully fix this bug in the next MCC update. If you guys come into the discord and report this bug I will likely respond with an old man emoji.

There  is a fairly rare crash involving dialog lines being loaded into the sound buffer. I am working on a fix for this crash. If you get a fatal error while playing single player you can simply load the game back up and resume right from where you left off. In coop play though you will have to restart the level. Sorry!

The remover tool gun can crash the game if you abuse it. I warned you!

If you have problems with the mod or experience a weird bug or soft-lock feel free to @ me in the #halo channel of my discord.

For Xbox GamePass Users

I do not recommend using GamePass as you will have to manually install and update the mod! I also can't really be certain that this works for everyone. I don't use GamePass so I can't really test it myself.

1. Make sure you have MCC installed and you have both the Halo 1 Campaign and Halo 1 Multiplayer downloaded. You need both or the mod won't load.

2. Download https://20xx.io:501/files/CursedHaloAgain-CC-3.1.x-GamePass.7z

3. Unzip the mod files and put them in an empty folder called 'mods'. This folder can be anywhere you want. The folder structure should be \mods\Cursed Halo Again\[mod files]

4. Navigate to AppData\LocalLow\MCC\Config  Appdata is a hidden folder by default in windows! The easiest way to get there is type %appdata% in the location bar and then go up one level.

5. There should be a file in Config called ModManifest.txt  If it is not there you can just create a blank txt file with that name. Open that file and in there put the absolute path to the \mods\ folder you created earlier.

For example, my ModManifest.txt looks like this: D:\Steam\steamapps\common\HCEEK\mods  6. Save the file and that should be it.

7. Make sure you launch MCC with anti-cheat off. It should be in your windows start menu. You may have to search for it.



update for the latest MCC patches, you have to modify 'Cursed Halo Again\ModInfo.json' to have a later patch version simply change the line 'minor' of MaxAppVersion to 9999, this way it will work up to V1.9999 of the game. "MaxAppVersion": { "Major": 1, "Minor": 9999, "Patch": 0 },


I just discovered your videos today - you are truly multi-talented and maybe don't even realize just how much more capable and far beyond most people you are in the realms of technical knowledge, video editing, and creativity. If you are not getting paid $250k a year working at a company somewhere and that would be important to you, you could very easily be doing that in a few years. Any game studio would be begging to hire you as a dev when you showed them the mods you've made and the videos you put together to show them off, but be warned that the games industry is fickle. If you know linux at all being an SRE at one of the tech companies will be pretty boring but very stable and lucrative. :)