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This is the map I created in my most recent video. 

Just drop it in: 'My Documents/My Games/Halo 2/Maps' and it should show up under 'Custom Maps' in Halo 2 PC.

You can get Halo 2 at:  https://www.cartographer.online/

Mod Download: http://20xx.io:500/files/Halo2Homestuck2Mod.zip 

( I updated the map to v2 because there was a spawn point bug. )




I'm not sure if it has voice chat tbh. As for the map, I'm not entirely sure. If you've put it in the right spot it should show up without issue. I'd suggest asking in the Project Cartographer discord server you can find on their website if you can't figure it out. You could also just join a serer that's running the map online. The game will auto download it.


I cant find the folder I am supposed to put this mod in. Can someone help me