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Remember that map I was trying to make? Well, I didn't ever end up with anything I was really happy with. Here's the best I came up with.

What I described in the chapter I wrote today is closer to what I imagined, so the question is, do I run with this image and change the description, or forget about the image entirely and stick with the description? I do think this image is cool, but I just couldn't get the nine levels effect from it, so it's not as city-ish. Or does this get the idea across? We want it to be just another carving unless, like Kaz, the viewer realizes it's a map. Which brings me to the next problem: NO STAIRS. The stairs are what convinces Kaz it is a map, and I could not get that aspect to work. I tried a dozen different ways to put in the nine (originally eighteen) sets of stairs, and none of them blended well. This already made up of bits and pieces of seven images, chopped into more than a dozen layers, and I just ran out of motivation to get the stairs to work. I figured after three days and many many hours of effort, I should at least share it with you, and see if you agree that I should just ditch it.



Description gets my vote


Thanks, guys! Glad my instincts were heading in the right direction.