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There are two main types of ads I see on Royal Road. The first one is funny, and sometimes seems to have little to nothing to do with the story. Literally clickbait 😂 The second one has part of the cover or an image of an actual character, along with the title and author, and maybe the rating, a review, or the genre.

For the funny one, I have a comic panel I love that was made by Omny87, so I reached out to them on deviantart and they said I could use it as long as I gave them credit and put up a link to their Patreon, which I will gladly do :) Here it is:

This is particularly amusing to me because *spoiler* *spoiler* *spoiler*. Great, right? 🤣

The second (serious?) ad is both easier and harder. Here's what I have:

Is that enough? I'd love to put that it has 4.7 stars, but with only seven ratings, that seems a little misleading. Should I put in genre? Toss up "Progression" and "Xianxia" on the right? Would something else make you more likely to click it? My only review is really good if you read it, but only 3.5 stars (I'm hoping they're someone like my husband, who feels like 5 stars should be saved for Tolkien, and 4 stars would be Anne McCaffrey, so 3.5 stars is actually really awesome.  This is the story I tell myself.) 

Anyway... What do you think of these ads? Is there a good way to perk them up? Make them more clickety-clickable? Help!


Spencer Herold

Personally, I like the second ad, but I don’t know enough to say much about that sort of thing. If you want, I can ask some other authors I know for advice on ads and such.


That would be awesome! Any advice is welcome. This will be my first foray into advertisements, and I definitely want to spend my money wisely!


I'm partial to the first one (as is my daughter), but I think a lot of that is because it has text. Adding tags to the second one might make it more interesting. I would also suggest making the background for the more "serious" version something more interesting, if possible. Ideally something that expresses the story setting (adventure through the mountain) would be nice, but I'm blanking on how to do that in a 250x250 ad.