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I got into the final arc, and settled into a groove, and just finished up the book. I wrote four chapters, 12000 words, which is 21 pages in Google Docs. I usually write 2-3k per day, so this is... rough. I'm happy with it, but I'll be editing it more thoroughly than usual before I hand it off to you guys, so I think I'm going to stick with a chapter a day release. That does mean, though, that the last chapter will be out next Friday, and then I'm going to think about taking a 'break'. That is, I won't actually take a break, but I'll be editing instead of writing, so you won't see anything. Which I don't like, because I'm sure you're here for content, not me assuring you that Stuff is Happening.

The good news is, when I get the books edited, I'll send you the final draft of each book, so you'll have your own complete copies!

And then, of course, I'll start on something new. Because that's how I roll.