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I'm working on getting you guys copies of the auto-books I'm making on Google Play, but I'm really starting to see why they're still in late beta. They're really finicky about things I think should already have been fixed. For instance, if you have a word, (let's say 'Sarave' as a totally random example) and you add an 's onto it, it's still the same word, so any pronunciation changes you made to it still apply, just with an added 'z' sound. AND, to make it more fun, if you change the base word first (Sarave), then when you search for it you can't find it so you can correct the possessive version, because apparently something about applying a correction makes it unsearchable.

Also (and this is the one I tripped over this morning when downloading Clearing for you guys), any changes made after assigning voices resets the changed text to the default voice, not the one the replaced word was supposed to be in. So, I have to change all the < > and :: to " so it doesn't tell you what these weird punctuation marks are, and it reads the " as 'quotation mark', and does it in the wrong voice.

So. Weird.

It takes about two hours to process a revised audio file, so fingers crossed it works this time. I didn't write on Friday because I spent about twelve hours working on these things, and I'll be a wee bit unhappy if they're junk.

TL;DR Nothing for you yet while the audiobook processes, but you'll have a book or a chapter by the end of the day.

On the other hand, this is making me annoyed enough to bump "Make real audiobooks for LF" up higher on my to-do list.



Google should provide an import/export feature to allow you to edit the marked up files yourself instead of having to use their (clearly finicky) user interface. I'd suggest submitting a feature request, but I'm pretty sure any "contact Google" links, should they exist at all, route to the great bit bucket in the sky...


I can't find a way to edit what I already did, so I've been starting from scratch when I find an error. Which is annoying, so if I could work from the previously edited file, that would be awesome. Clearing is live again, and much improved, though I really wish they had a good teenage girl voice for Rouge.