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When I started Legendary Farmer, I was just doing what I love to do: writing! Stat blocks were there primarily because it was LitRPG (and I fully intended to make more of them in editing). Since they weren't something I was focused on, I may, just possibly (and I'll deny it if asked publicly) have winged them. Not ALL of them. Rouge's stats are based on simple math, but how they affected her skills may have been, ah, somewhat variable at times. One thing I completely made up were her regen rates, which I'll need to fix in some future update, when I figure out how to do that kind of thing.

This time, as I'm heading into Cuckoo, I'm trying to be more methodical. Alpha is a much more logical person than Rouge, who often based her stat allocations on whether they made a multiple of five. Also, some things about Alpha's stats will shift significantly when she becomes a vampire, and that will need to be addressed during the next chapter or so, when she logs back in to deal with the fallout from her race change.

So, I spent today working on her stat sheet, both before and after her transformation. My brother, who is FAR better at math than me, came up with some formulas so Alpha's progression will make sense, if you actually look at that sort of thing. (Sorry, Rouge.)

I can't show you a lot of that work, because it could produce some significant spoilers, but bog-standard humans get 10 stat points at character creation (level 0, while Emily is there to make suggestions and explain things), and then 10 more per level while actually playing (level 1+). They also get 3x INT = mana, 3x VIT = health, and 3x END = Stamina. Mana is for spells, while stamina is for skills, though it can be burned with excessive physical activity. Just because you don't have a skill for jumping jacks doesn't mean you won't get tired doing them, for example. You can't use mana for anything except casting spells, but they do tend to cost a LOT of mana.

My brother helped me set up some formulas using 'every 50 points' for thresholds, with the goal of requiring no more than 20 minutes to completely recover mana or stamina, and maximum 30 minutes to completely recover health. That's for base humans, out of battle. Now I can go about figuring out what Alpha's numbers should actually look like, so her stat blocks are more than just pretty pictures.

Now, Rouge's character got bonuses in Dex and mana, and a debuff in Stamina, because of her race. It didn't really make sense, because she had a very active character, but she wanted spells, darn it! Those stat formulas followed her faithfully through all of her stat blocks, but her regen rates... Well, let's just say it's a good thing she had a Goddess watching over her, because it explains a lot.

All of that goes to say that Alpha, like Rouge, gets some bonuses and some deficits because of her race. I want to make sure that I know exactly what all that looks like before I start this time, since it'll make the story more cohesive, and prevent anyone from hitting a "WTH? That doesn't make any sense, author!"

I'm sharing a stat block from half-orc-Alpha with you (the only one she'll see before being vamped, but I wanted it to make sense!). As a vampire, she has rather a lot of special stuff, which is going to make the new stat block comparatively enormous. Plus, her modifiers are different, since Amy is, ah, 'helping' her. It should still all track with what we know of FantumHat, however, though I'm using the fact that Alpha gets vamped with a bird instead of a bat to explain a few differences that Amy needed to make in the program.

Tomorrow, I'll not only give you a dump of the first three chapters in one post (slightly updated, and with stat block), but I should be able to write a whole new chapter. This long post is just to let you know that I really did work all day! (Also, my eyeballs kinda ache now, so I need to stop soon. 😬)

See you tomorrow!


Alpha, level 82, Chapter 2, pre-vampire stat block


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