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Both the ebook and the paperback are uploaded and being processed on Amazon. The ebook page looks a little wonky at the moment, so hopefully I just haven't looked at one at this stage before, and it'll be fixed when the book is live. I'm hoping the paperback will be done today as well, though it's kind of a toss up.

I'm a liiiittle bit worried about how well the cover will translate to paperback, because a certain chunk of it is a little lower res than makes me happy. Sadly, I'll just have to wait and see, and hope it's not too bad.

I'll let you know when it's all live, but right now, I need to go to sleep, because it's after midnight, and I'm tired!! Fingers crossed everything looks good in the morning. (Because nothing ever goes wrong when you set it up and walk away for several hours.)

Oh! Here's the back blurb:

Khor is a goat. Goats are not generally known for their patience, and Aspen is late. What's a ruminant meant to do with goblins, spiders, giant bees, ducks, a vampire, a magic Tree, and a gaggle of giddy girls under his hooves? 

Apparently, he's supposed to wait. It sure would be nice if someone told that to all the monsters.

Rouge and Aspen are on the run. Again. It seems like someone's always trying to kill them, and eventually you have to ask yourself if it was something you said. They're heading home, complete with a host of orphans, former prisoners, refugees, and a few very odd critters to round out their menagerie. They're outnumbered and quite probably outclassed. Can they stay one step ahead of their enemies, or are they doomed to fail?

Fortunately, they have a Goddess or two on their side, and the playing field is about to be leveled.



It's alive! Both the ebook and the print book are up at https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0BJD74XCS I'm working on setting up a free day for Clearing tomorrow, October 18.


Oh! I did a little jiggling, and didn't have to change the price on this book. I still may need to do that for Harvest, but we'll see.