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So the good news is that I'm going to be at the All Bethel Community Day in Washington on Saturday, October 1. This is awesome, because I'm going to start doing cons and small local events, because handing out bookmarks and offering to sign stuff is a great way to start making people aware of my books. My mom lives out there, so it'll be a short work trip, but I get to see my mom. Yay!

The bad news is that now I have to buy a banner, display stands, and maybe some swag? I ordered the banner already (surprisingly affordable) from the same folks who made my bookmarks, PrintSafari. Now I need to figure out how many books to take. Mom says it's usually around 7000 people, but I figure at most half of those are old enough to buy books, and maybe 1% of those will actually stop and look. I mean, we would, because we're readers, but shockingly few people actually read books!

Anyway, I'm going to be ordering books, tablecloths. signs, stands, and I have to figure out my Square Reader. This is all stuff I needed to do anyway, but I planned to wait until January, when all the books were out, so I could do it in the time I had been using to edit. Now, I have to split my focus, and it's leading to delays in working on the FUN part of my job: writing! 

In any case, here's my banner, and if you know anyone in Western Washington, send them over to say Hi and snag an autographed copy!


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