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Have you guys ever been reaaaallly close to the end of something (a job/school) and just struggled to do anything except the basics? Yep, here I am. My daughter starts school in one week. ONE. WEEK.

Unless you're a parent, you just don't even know. Which isn't to say that I don't adore my girl, and I won't miss her and worry about her and be excited to get her back every day, but for a whole seven hours a day I get to be ME. I can clean. I can nap. I can go to the gym. (I mean, theoretically.) 

I can write. 

I know, I know, you're tired of hearing it. But I'm so excited.

Also, soon we'll be rounding everyone up and getting some closure on a lot of the things going on in Bright, which means we'll be heading for the end of this book (or the beginning of Khor's arc.) Something really exciting is happening over on the farm, and there will be an in-game notice about it. You can't miss it, but I'll give you a hint.

It starts with d, ends in n, and rhymes with bludgeon.





Ooooo, close but...no. I actually made an effort to keep dragons out of this story, because I have a whole book to write about a dragon in, um, two or three books.