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My daughter is going into kindergarten in the fall! She's also going to summer school. When I was a kid, summer school was something that happened when you were behind at the end of the previous school year because you needed some help catching up. Now, it's just for fun? If she was older, I don't think I would do it, because we missed so much last summer, and this is our last time to just be together before 13 years of Education. She's really loving it though, and since it's going to be her job for the aforementioned 13 years, I have to support that.

Now you're wondering why I mention all this, right? That's because while she's in school, I get to write! A chapter a day, every day. No lurking at the keyboard until 2 (or 3) a.m., and then trying to sneak in a nap later while she's having tablet time. Why can't I write while she's doing tablet time? "Mom, can you cut up this apple?" "Mom, can you log into Netflix?" "Mom, can I play with Ellie?" "Mom..." Well, you get the idea. Plus, it's not long enough. A chapter takes me anywhere from three to five hours to write, depending on how much research and situations I'm not as comfortable writing about it requires. Fight scenes, for instance? Necessary, but very difficult for me.

All of this means that I will, hopefully, get to write at least 20 chapters this month. That's a lot! I release about 12, so that's a minimum 'profit' of 8. I'm actually hoping to get my characters to the point where I can write Khor's arc, and I'm so excited! If I get there, I'll definitely do some more bonus chapters.

So, my question is, if I do extra chapters, how would you like them? One a day, for a week, or a bundle of seven all at once? Let me know!


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