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Goblins are, of course, one of every fantasy author's favorite tropes. Whether they're stupid, barbaric, disposable grunts, or produced the anti-hero, whether they're called goblins or some other term created by the author to differentiate their version, we all know what they are. 

Small, often green, underground dwellers, the first, most basic foe that many heroes have to battle, especially in LitRPG. There are certainly many authors who, like me, attempt to give their goblins depth, but I hope that Sarave (and other goblins, eventually) will come across as at least a little bit different.

Sarave has her own complex history, and more of it will be revealed as the story progresses. Another goblin will appear soon, and after that one, more. Some will be exactly as brutish and crude as we might expect, and others will be thoughtful, intelligent, and even caring. In other words, individuals.

Sarave was yet another character that was a bit of a surprise to me. She was actually originally going to die in childbirth, leaving Aspen with a baby half-goblin to raise. Aspen and Gina conspired to save her, however, and now I'm left with a woman full of her own secrets. Did you think you knew everything about her? She definitely has more surprises in store for you, and I hope you look forward to learning more about her people, and about her!


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