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I just wanted to take a minute to let you all know how much I appreciate you! I just wrote Chapter 62 of LF, and the first book ended at chapter 50! (My mom is even trying to figure out how to do a short print run of the first book. Is that something anyone would even be interested in?)

Anyway, I just wanted you all to know that the support I get from you here, and the comments here and on Royal Road really help keep me going. There are definitely times when I have a scene that just won't flow well, and I'm really struggling, and knowing that you're there waiting for more keeps me fighting. (Speaking of fighting, I hate writing battle scenes! I just really struggle with them! One of my readers suggested I live action them, so maybe in spring I'll have to do a LARP of a scene. It should be amusing!)

I hope you're all doing well, and are looking forward to more LF. Please let me know if you have any questions (Would you like to do an "Ask a character" or something on Reddit? Or an "Ask the author", but I don't know that I'm as interesting as my characters.)

Good night from me, Aspen, Rouge, and the whole gang!



Happy to support great stories, especially with lower tier pricing where I don't have to make it a one off donation. Your writing and characters are great! Add to that your apparent enthusiasm for your craft and not feeling like you are simply milking cash and I feel you have a winning formula. The last step is simply exposure (you just made trending on RR) and long term consistency. Looking forward to more and wishing success. :)

The Lost Pages

I found this on RR trending as well and have to say, well done. If you ever need a quasi publisher I'd suggest checking out iUniverse. Basically you pay them to get your book published but own all the rights to it. It's a step above self-publishing but below that of traditional publishing.


Thank you! I'll definitely check it out! My mom and some older friends/family members keep wanting to read the book and "I'd tell my friends, but they don't do all this online business" so I may buy a small batch and see if I can move them. Easy enough to autograph 50 books, too. If I get 100 Patrons (which is just a crazy idea to me) I could even offer it as a Perk (maybe?) or do a Kickstarter type thing. Right now, I'm just having so much fun writing and seeing people enjoy reading it, so anything else is just a bonus!