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I can't believe I almost forgot to let you all know that my first book, Clearing, will be FREE on Amazon Kindle for five days, starting today. I figured that would give you something of mine to read, so no one forgets me while I'm gone 😅


Feel free to download, share, comment, etc!

If you just joined us when I started writing Broken Knife, Legendary Farmer was my first book, and I do mean that. I wrote it as a web novel, with no real intention of publishing. It was about 740k words long, and I thought that was awesome! (BTW, Broken Knife is probably going to end up about the same length. I can actually see the end now.)

After much education, I broke that bad boy up into five parts, of which Clearing is the first. The end falls a bit awkwardly (in what seems like the middle of a conversation, though it actually isn't.) My bad. Sigh. But I still love Legendary Farmer best of all, if only because it's the story that allowed me to believe I really could be an author.

So if you're interested, snag Clearing, and meet Zoey (a 14 year old gamer girl with only a normal amount of teenage attitude, and a mostly cool dad). She and Aspen (a 40-something retired Necromancer NPC trying to become a farmer) get tapped to complete a quest for their in-game goddess. Hijinks and world-saving ensue. Not your usual VR LitRPG, I promise! And if you like Li, you should meet her 'little sister', Silus!



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