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I'm working on today's chapter, but something has been bothering me, so I thought I would ask you guys what you thought.

I'm debating starting a TikTok channel. I've seen plenty of videos, but I've never really gotten into it. I do know there's such a thing as BookTok, but as far as I know, no one has reviewed my books, and I like to delve into the unknown when reading, so I don't watch the videos either.

Okay, I'm rambling.

The question is, do I make an anonymous TikTok, or do I claim it?

The main thing I want to do actually has nothing to do with my books. I really want to sing some lullabies. I know a few old ones that I never see online, and I just like them, so it's probably a silly thing, but I can't get the idea out of my head. (Note: I'm not an amazing singer, and I absolutely cannot sing in front of people, but I can carry these well enough to teach them.)

BUT if I were to claim the channel, I could read chapters, passages, or quotes from my books. Which sends me into a spiral of imposter syndrome and terror. But it's a way of reaching a whole new group of potential readers.

Also, I'm not pretty. Average, sure, but I couldn't handle people calling out my flaws. So I really don't want to show my face, just talk or sing with a background of a pretty sunset or something. But almost all of the videos I see are people. Would viewers even watch something like that? If they won't, then going the anonymous route is a win for me, because the point is just to do it. If they would, and I might reach readers, then, y'know, I should claim it.

So, TikTok.

Pseudonym or run with it? I am certain I don't want to make two separate channels for the different videos, because I barely keep up with the social media I already have. (No, let's be honest. If I don't have a book coming out, I absolutely do not keep up with them.)

Would a TikTok by me be something you'd be interested in? (The book-related bits, not the singing. I'm just going to put the lullabies out there and probably never mention it again.)


Froyo Baggins

Personally dislike tiktok. Enough people use it that I semi-follow my friends, but tiktok thinks I'm interested in utter nonsense and whenever I try the main feed I get very frustrated. Mostly turns me off of the app.


So now I'm even more torn. What I see is that TikTok wouldn't reach my current readers, which tells me there really is a potential untapped market. The fact that BookTok exists tells me there is a chance. So, as weird as I find it, I think I'll try, and if it doesn't go anywhere (likely) at least I'll actually be kind of relieved instead of disappointed 🤣