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Level One: Lights In The Sky ⭐️💖💙

”It’s the strongest weapon in the game. DUH!” 🎮

We are starting off with how they meet! (If you read that one off, not canon, comic scene on my Instagram, disregard that completely, the boys have A DEVELOPED PLOT NOW).

Vast amounts of McFly and Busted were consumed during the many hours of drawing this comic and I regret nothing. 

The made up videogame Rogan is playing is called Quasar Lazar, a simple side-scrolling shooter, space adventure! Quasar is pronounced kway-zar and in real life, a quasar is, “an astronomical object of high luminosity, found in the centre of some galaxies, and powered by gas spiralling at high velocity into an extremely large black hole. They are among the brightest, most powerful known objects in the universe, emitting up to a thousand times the output of the Milky Way which contains 200-400 billion stars.” Space is wild my dudes 😳

A reminder that while my Patreon comics are available to everyone, other full coloured content is still £5 tier only 🙏🧡




Yay!! I'm so excited for this story! 😆


I've not even read this yet but I am already loving/wanting a Tanyagochi!!


R-Kaid listening to Aliens Exist is just the icing on the cake that is this perfection 😍 also Rogans face in the last panel... double icing.


I was just about to comment the same! Great opening episode for this paring 💜💜


Thank you 😂😂 Not gonna lie, I immediately looked up how much a Tamagotchi is nowadays and I totally wanna get one, I treated mine like royalty back in the day 😩💞


So good! I love the sassy assistant, not sure of name yet but I'm sure you'll fill us in. And I like the ship name, don't think it's lame at all. Lol 😂


I love this already! Honestly love all your comics! None of them are a miss💕


I already want more lol


2nd episode: crashes into him. Both die, the end. XD