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Sweet mother of mercy, I’ve given myself quite a few panels to draw this update as it’s a montage scene. And what’s a montage scene without a kickass tune to go with it? I’m that artist who likes to pretend their comic is TV show/movie quality, complete with an epic soundtrack.

If only life’s problems could be solved as quickly as they are in boppin’ movie montages.

Also, thank you to everyone who has commented so far on the recent Fanart Friday post. I‘m glad a number generator decides for me because there’s so many good suggestions this month, I wouldn’t be able to choose!!




I can't think of montages without thinking of Team America and singing the song in my head


Oscar making coffee is 100% me learning how to make coffee


Love how your colors go so well together and your style is so clean


Does Oscar suck at making coffee or was that just Ezra's reaction to it not being tea? Lol


They have different designed cups, Ezra is drinking out of his own, not Oscar's. But even though he's made a perfect coffee he still hates the taste. Also, making coffee at home is different to using an industrial coffee machine, so I dare say Oscar would be amazing right away, I certainly wasn't 😂


AHHH I LOVE THESE CUTIE PATOOTIES!!! I would totally buy a coloring book from you if you were ever to release one.