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I’ll collect questions for now and then make a start on answering them after page 84 of Tea For Two is posted. If you have anything you’d like to ask about Harvey and Walter comment them below! You can comment more than one. I have no idea what amount I’ll get, but I’ll do my best to answer what I can! If you have any questions for me regarding the comic as well, go ahead 💖

I want to thank you all for reading and supporting Backstage Pass. It means a lot when you like and comment on the comic pages 🥺🙏💕 Also thank you so much for supporting me financially for it too, that’s crazy generous of you guys. 




Will we see a season 2? Elaborating maybe on their relationship 👀 i wanna see how this goes


I loved their story so much! I hope we see them again soon. Is there any chance of them appearing in Tea? Maybe a cameo?


Harvey's genetics and upbringing, please. Family history and dynamics for both, actually. And any hints about thier future you are willing to give. Like, Walter listening to Harvey's records, is that a canon future where he's made it big? Does Harvey ever get his jacket back? How did he afford that sweet car? Did they get the jobs? Any chance of getting compiled book versions of these and future shorts? Either pdf or paper form? Do you or will you ever open art commissions? If you decide to do merch some day what would you start with? This is literally the first time I've submitted for a comic QA. I worry I'm not doing it right because of these ive seen just seem to be requests to draw the characters in different silly costumes or something. Lol


Will there be a sequel or season 2? I really liked this comic 🤩🤩


Oh and can we see what they would look like today? I don't mean as 90 years old, but like, from now. Lol


Do they stay together, in the end?


I'm your head, do they have a happy ending? How did you come up with the idea for the comic? Would they end up working together?

Amber Lewis

Do they ever manage to get back together and make some sort of relationship work? Do either of them tell anybody about each other?


What’s Harvey’s favorite genre of music?? And does Walter prefer the stage or the silver screen??


Does Harvey sing? Would he write a song for or about Walter? Would they ever work a gig together? What "things" would Walter show Harvey? Seems like Harvey had a good handle on things being his first time. Walter got Harvey's jacket would he ever have something for Harvey to "steal"? Sorry for so many questions but I really enjoyed this story. So just want to know more things about these boys and their story together.


Plenty of questions is fine 🤣🙏 I’ll just answer that first one here because it’s already a known thing, his name is Harvey Sing, alluding to him being a singer, (shows his name on the vinyl record of the last cover) as Walter is called Walter starling, alluding to being an actor. Multiple of the Backstage Pass covers have Harvey with a microphone and singing 🤣 And part 14 included that slide of them holding hands where Harvey was thinking of song lyrics for Walter, it was explained in the post caption as well.


Sorry long day, my brain didn't click to put two and two together.🤦😂


I adore this story! Will we ever see them star in a show together?

Aubrey Walton

How are you doing boo? Have you found a job or are you partying and drawing full time?


Drawing full time while the Patreon pay covers everything for now 😂🙏 Full time artist life leaves little room for party life 😔