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Pretending to be some bratty prince's handmaid didn't seem like too hard of an assignment for Alexios.  Spending all day trapesing around the palace, gathering intelligence, while occasionally having to wait on Prince Cassius was actually kind of cushy compared to a lot of the other assignments Omorfa could've given a spy such as himself.  The only thing that really irked Alexios, however, was that the prince would insist on having his "pet" help bathe him.  After all, if he were to slip in the shower with no one around to get immediate help, it could be devastating given his condition.

In time, what was annoying became routine, and what was routine became kind of enjoyable.  With the initial awkwardness of being naked in front of the wolf out of the way, being under a warm shower was actually fairly nice.  Plus, in such an intimate situation, with all of the expectations of his position stripped away, Cassius could actually be somewhat charming.  Alexios was starting to like this part of the job.  Maybe a little too much...

...And with what he could gather from the glances he'd sneak at Cassius, it was very likely the prince was starting to feel the same way.



Steele Fang

Do we get the pleasure of seeing this story continue?