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In the Advent of CENSORSHIP EVERYWHERE. I decided that I'll start my Frickin' website. ya. Right Facken now --It actually started two weeks ago--. I Got it Hosted on a Loli Legal state, That Basically means ILL BE IMPERVIOUS. I can post as much Loli as I want. Mofocka's would have to take down my site if they keep bitchin' about it.

I'll be doing Website Stuff during Patreon-Work-Hours until July 19 ~Early July 20. Imma Hold in Work on Bea. Until then, You'll just see Processes i've been making via Juizzy Fruits.

~~To Everyone New Here, I have Patreon work Hours(Animations and Anything Website related): 6hours. Experimental Work Hours(I Study some TechNix on Sound, FX, Animation) 1.5 hours. and Juizzy Fruits Work Hours: 4 hours. Those are Work Hours happening Every Day where it's not a Holiday. Because if it's a Holiday, it's likely that my friends will drag me out of my PLOXYSTUDIO and get me doing some random friend time around the City.~


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