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Heyya Peeple. You must be wondering what i've been up to for the past God Knows how long days. Welp, I was Up to no Good, apparently. Fallout 76 came out and as you've heard from everywhere is not likely the best Video Game out there and it's horrendous with the bugs. As a Fallout Fan--Fallout 3 was my first sandbox game-- I just had to play it myself. Took a while for me to get the Game out of my system. Coupla days past, im finally over it. That'll be the last time i'll ever play any facken game that long ever again.

Things aren't the same here before where i can just submit to Video games because Depression Just craves it. Nowadays im cranking up Like counts(On twitter..Patreon needs more likes) ive never had before. This shows that things are changing and i have to accept the Responsibilities this implies to me and especially for My Creations. i.e Juizzy Fruits, Deception, and a Fckton of Waifus that I wanna see get animatedly Fucked.

May i never drown in Gaming limbo for a Long time ever again.


Anyways, here's the First look at Hexxy Short animation. I may have to twink the color of the candles, Yellow is not working on this...Ghost candles...It'll probably work.



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