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Preview of Full Loop:

The Short Loop is the Intended speed for the one Attached on the Main Deception Page..You'll see why. To be honest, It should be Faster.


GIF Loops(Full and Short Loops) are Located in the Deception Folder in the Archives!


Otha News: I'm Giving access to the WIP stuff to Orange Margaritas(3$) Tier now.

Now i just have to finish Prim's Face's reaction while getting fucked(It's Animated) and I can wrap up this Deception Page.



Im not sure if I should release this Deception page in public Immediately as soon as it's finished. Cuz I Damm well know i'll only get the annoying, obnoxious, thoughts about how the Animation is too Fast--No one ever tells anyone that there's a complete version. Then there's the ones that says Deception pages are taking too long to be made which pisses me off the most.

Then I remember that i am no longer my former self who cared about these things, I'll just send it out for the heck of it and enjoy seeing the Daaaaam Cucks lose their minds.

AAAAannyways, Look at that, Deception's First Animated scene. CooCool....Hmm, yknow what, i think i'll give the Full Loop for free in the Public since this'll be the First of Many. It should be a Celebration after all.

**Likes N Appreciation Wipes All of Depression, Come ON! This is the Only Way i Know You like this stuff! AHHHHCKK!**



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