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I have recently figured out that " Hey... i can tell patrons about my plans for the future can I?" ; " Well if it's about Deception, then Yea why?"; " ...The Idea never occured to me""........You bastard"

SO! I think from now on i should update you guys on stuff Im currently planning for Deception.


I'm thinking of something like "If you've Pledged This Much MONEEHHh for this Patreon, i think it's about time you Get something back in return". It'll be an Exclusive, Frame-Worthy Picture(Frame-worthy as in you can frame it, but don't mean i gotta print it for you lol sorry), Deception Storyline Related(Present and Future Visions---lower lifetime pledges are kinda Spoiler-ish. But the biggest one will be like" OHhh my Fuuckin' GAWWD this is the FUture? SHIiiiiT" ). You get the Files exclusively too including PSD files of dat Pic.

This Patreon is Accumulating a lot of Lifetime Support from you Peeps. so If this ever happens and your lifetime Supp has caught up with the designated amount of Pledges, then you'd obviously get that Reward Immediately.


I gotta find a time to make these pics, im thinking of Dropping the Commissions on August so i can make it. Once that's solved though, You guys would get more out of Supporting this Patreon! Wee!


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