Quarterly Patron Reward (Patreon)
Hello to my Hedge Knights and Minor Lords! I got a little sick so there won't be a video this week, though I promise to catch up later!
But I still have something for you. A quarterly patron reward. This time its a unique Boss Monster complete with lair actions, some lore and all that good stuff! Feel free share your opinions with me to help me improve and deliver only the best content to you.
Also, a shout out to my Minor Lords. I'm working on your special one-time rewards right now. I've tried to contact you to discuss the details but you didn't respond. I understand that specifics might not interest you, but if you do want to direct me on the genre, mood, etc. of your music tune, now is the last chance to do so! Otherwise I'll just improvise ;)
Thank you all for supporting Lutes&Dice!