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Three things:

1. Hi! Long time no see. How have you been? Did you know that possums have 13 nipples with one bulls eye in the middle? (I'm sitting next to my friend Alie Ward and asked her for a random fact, and she gave me that one without skipping a beat.)

1.5. Apologies in advance for the amount of name dropping that this post is going to have. 

2. The reason I'm sitting next to Alie is because I'm in Huntsville Alabama at a science communicator event. Imagine a bunch of YouTubers and podcasters in a room, talking about life and work and thumbnails. Typing this while watching Dr. Joe Hanson work on a LEGO kit together with ElectroBoom. Went on a hike with Cleo Abram and Johnny Harris earlier today. Yeah, it's pretty special.

3. I made a robot arm out of stained glass! Why? Because I wanted one and I don't think I could find one for sale. Filmed a whole video around it, so if you're interested in watching me curse over a pile of glass your dreams will come true soon.




Can you talk about...


Glad you're doing well!


I wonder why no one sells a stained glass robotic arm? It fills such a need.


That arm looks beautiful


You get to hang out with the coolest people (and vice versa!). Also that robot arm came out looking dooooope


Will this glas arm smash a metal beer can this time to complete the cycle? 🤯


It looks so fragile but also powerful in some weird way. I‘m thinking it’s a strategy. You think I’m a shitty robot? Try me!

Richard Jernigan

So very jealous; sounds like an awesome time. And very looking forward to the robot arm build. :)


Thanks for the update!


Holy crap, you've just given me so many ideas for what to do with all my old stained glass stuff!


Next upgrade: Gorilla stained glass can crusher. Say hi to Dadward from her 742nd biggest fan, butt-ology field trip last week was excellent.


Mildly disappointed that Adam didn't sign off with an "okaaaaaaabyeeeeeeee" 😂


You spent the patreon money on making a glass robot arm????? Supurb!!!


Yep. I'm jealous.


This update reads very much in Adams voice. Also when I wondered what you'd do with your stained glass skills after the lemon window video I could never have imagined something so amazing!


Wow, that looks like so much fun! I just rewatched your stained glass video yesterday, what a coincidence.


It all looks and sounds amazing, and I think the glass robot arm is kinda beautiful.


I keep thinking about that 13th nipple, that's so wild...


I knew this wasn't the end of your fascination with stained glass - this is such a Giertz project, through and through!

Anonymous (edited)

Comment edits

2023-04-20 22:47:54 I'm excited to see the glass arm robot video! I'm also hoping you'll fix your captions to not be censored before then. Right now your swear words are blanked out. To fix this, go to YouTube Studio > Settings > Channel > Advanced settings > UN-check "Don’t show potentially inappropriate words". It's censored by default and I doubt you want that!
2023-04-20 17:32:55 I'm excited to see the glass arm robot video! I'm also hoping you'll fix your captions to not be censored before then. Right now your swear words are blanked out. To fix this, go to YouTube Studio > Settings > Channel > Advanced settings > UN-check "Don’t show potentially inappropriate words". It's censored by default and I doubt you want that!

I'm excited to see the glass arm robot video! I'm also hoping you'll fix your captions to not be censored before then. Right now your swear words are blanked out. To fix this, go to YouTube Studio > Settings > Channel > Advanced settings > UN-check "Don’t show potentially inappropriate words". It's censored by default and I doubt you want that!


Sounds like you’re doing exactly what you need. Great to see .. E n j o y 👍🏻😊😊😊👍🏻


The glass robot arm video is wonderful! Such authentic pain and passion; such emotional range :)


Scraps doing the zoomies. Utterly joyous.