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Before I started building shitty robots and long before I got to know Adam Savage I was a volunteer on a Mythbusters episode. I ran across a field to catch Jamie for a photo and was so fricking exhilarated to get this pretty shitty picture. It blows my mind realizing how clueless I was about everything that was about to happen. I literally had no idea. If Simone two years ago would know what my job is now I'm pretty sure she'd raise her eyebrow and be like "yeah right". And sometimes I realize that future Simone might be looking back at current self in the same way. Mad. Hope I don't sound smug. I probably sound smug. Maybe I'm too smug to care. I didn't choose smug life, smug life chose me etc etc




You're awesome like you're, stay you !!! ;-)


As we say in Texas, "it ain't bragging if you really done it".


Enjoy that well deserved life of yours!


Y'know, I hate to say it, because it should be completely obvious, but technical types love to have their photo taken with a pretty blonde celebrity. *Particularly* if she is also technical, too. Like, really.


Remember to wipe the lens with your shirt tail, because you've been touching the lens with your dirty hands.


Nice ! Protip about future and past "you": STEP 1: write something to the Simone of the future in an event in your calendar in few years. STEP 2: forget about it. STEP 3: Have a surprise in few years learning of how you felt some time ago. Old photos are kind of analog view of the past if you prefer ;)


That's pretty awesome :) Sometimes I realize that real live can exceed even my biggest dreams. Thanks for that reminder again! Stay Awesome!


I miss having Jamie on Tested :(


Neat story Simone, never stop surprising yourself.. past and future!

Don Bright

if you told young me that some day i could log onto a world wide network and help fund someone directly to create videos about things i enjoy, like making robots.... . . .


as always, he looks thrilled - as he SHOULD be standing next to you. You're awesome, and we at Raising Nerd are big fans (and backers)!