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Let’s face it: all traditions are made up. Everything from easter to honking in tunnels to making out are just ideas pulled out of some random person’s ass. So why couldn’t ideas pulled out of my ass couldn’t just as well become sacred tradition?

When I was 7, I wrote a new birthday song for my family. So every birthday, we don’t sing the standard Swedish version of happy birthday, but the immortal lines of a 7 year old:

The clock is ticking
The clock is ticking

And what happens?
And what happens?
You’re just getting older
You’re just getting older
Happy birthday [INSERT PERSON’S NAME]
Happy birthday [INSERT PERSON’S NAME]

Proof that my sense of style hasn't progressed since 1997.

With that track record, I want to pitch you my best invented tradition so far: Futz Friday. It’s a weekly tradition (as maybe indicated by the name) that I’m trying to establish for myself and my team. 

It’s very simple: on Fridays you get to futz with whatever you want. It could be anything from sorting screws, sewing, learning a new skill, fixing something broken, no matter if it's work-related or not.

I’m about to get preachy, which seems to be an inevitable part of sacred traditions. But I really think there’s a lot of value in scheduling unscheduled time. Futz Friday might sound silly, but to me it's a permission to relax and explore and scratch every creative itch that might pop up. And in a society where we are so used to duty being our main fuel in life, it’s a way to practice following your enthusiasm.

So today, I’m a free-range futzer and I’m going to work on this chair prototype! My next project is an office chair that has room for both Scraps and me, and a tiny staircase so she can get up and down by herself. If you’re working from home with a needy pet, you’ll understand what I’m going for.

I’m also going to sort through old materials and put them in these new stackbins that I got! Very excited to get rid of some of the million pieces of "oh maybe one day I'll need this" that I have laying around the workshop.

What are you futzing with this holiest of Futz Fridays?


PS. My next video is edited and ready to go! Just waiting for a final approval from the sponsor and then I'll post it, probably early next week ✨🦭


Clifton Ballad

Is your chair/puppy stairs made out of stainless? I feel like I can see heat stains near the rods and the edges that sure looks like stainless from here... Im also not awake and need more coffee....


I was hoping for better markup arrows. 😋