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Yeah. You know what I mean! Or you really don't, so let me explain: above is a photo of me, grinning like a dad on vacation, because I'm standing in my first, very own workshop space. So. GOOD. I'd be elated if it wasn't for currently dealing with some sort of post-trauma sadness, but the excitement occasionally shines through my cloud of melancholy. Also, please don't worry about me being sad. My mom assures me that it's very normal.

Long time no livestream, let's do one next week? Say Tuesday July 10th 10AM PST? We'll talk about highly relevant irrelevant stuff, and do some giveaways etc etc etc. Just a reminder: the livestreams are set for Patreons that are $5 and up. Either way, hope to see you there!




SO exciting, Sim! You've come back strong. So nice to see.


I am really happy for your new workshop, I mean I knew you deserved better than the corner of your bedroom table ;) Keep up the good work and I wish you to heal up quick ! By the way your livestream falls at the same time as the Fr/Be half-final match. Need to make a hard, hard choice... XD


Good timing, smack in the middle of the day.\


Guys! Wathch Simone (2002) the movie :)


aw 10AM! will def be during work hours. so ausm to see you in your own workspace. GET IT!


I'm glad to see you doing well with your new space!

Chris Jones

I see you have the essential fire extinguisher in place! Good Job!


I can't think of anyone more deserving of her own work shop.


my level of empathy: being happy, because a swedish woman from the internet, which i hardly know, recovers from a brain tumor and goes on with her life as an inventor of shitty robots. i hope everything will turn out fine for you. keep on keeping on.


Very nice new shop! You'll have it full of your imaginations in no time at all. Go girl!

Chris Jones

I’d legit send her one if t wasn’t for the compressed gassed regulations for parcels XD


I go through a depression after any surgery, and I’ve been told it’s normal. Still sucks though. Here’s to happier times ahead in your new space!