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Nine days until surgery. It feels like a birthday countdown, but instead of opening packages they're going to open my head. YES WE'RE JUMPING RIGHT INTO THE TUMOR STUFF. I'm not beating around the bush here. I'm a vegetarian. I'd never hit a plant. Bare with me.


Laura Kampf was in town for Maker Faire and we motorcycled up the coast with my friend Marcos. By "we motorcycled" I mean Laura and Marcos motorcycled, and I rode on the back. They looked cool, I looked like a human backpack.

In my happy place, AKA opening packages from my PO box. I need to make a post about some of the things you've made because it's ridiculous. Here I'm opening a box from a physics teacher in Palm Springs who had all of his students write me cards. Who's cutting onions in here? Please stop.

Scott made a fake license plate for Cheese Louise to cover her real one when we're filming. I might also just wear it as a very impractical necklace.

Yes, I've lost weight since 1992. And no, I don't still have that jacket. Chubby babies be chubby.

Thanks again for being here. And for all of your messages. And for coming up and saying hi at Maker Faire yesterday. Ya'll make open-head-birthday-week feel like a treat. Nine days left, I'll come and say hi again before that!

Surgically yours,



Sorry for being super late but I hope you're well and on the mend and all that fun stuff!


Oh man, just saw Dan Wesely's post showing you with one of those blue bead cooling things. I've had five Mohs surgery procedures because of severe sunburns on my Polish/Irish pasty-ass skin, and know those things well (I was a lifeguard for 10 years and sunburns were just part of the job). Not that I'm comparing trivial basal cell issues with a tumor, but it made me think "hell yeah. you got this shit". You got this. You got this. You got this.