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This last day has been one of my best and weirdest days on the internet so far. I didn’t think it was possible to be super sad and super happy at the same time, but it’s actually a surprisingly great combo. Just like french fries and ice cream, but with tears instead of fries and laughter instead of ice cream.

If you’re new here: welcome! Definitely my favorite corner of the internet. And thank you for helping make a shitty situation a little bit less shitty. 

Right now, I’m just trying to exercise a lot and hang out with friends. This month I have before surgery feels like such a weird chunk of time. I kind of just want to get it over with, but I also realize that this might be the healthiest I’m going to be in a while. 

I’m also trying to find good activities for when I’m in recovery. Ideally it’d be low-key arts and crafts stuff that doesn’t require fighterpilot eyesight. My friends suggested handing me random sculptures and having me paint them while blindfolded. 3/5 good-recovery-activity points. And audio books. 

Any other ideas? I’m all ears, and almost all eyes.



Play-doh, squishy, sculpt-able, doesn't really leave a mess. Tinkertoy kits. Even though they're not wood anymore in most kits, they're still a lot of fun. you can build almost anything if you have enough pieces. The recorder. It's inexpensive, easy to learn, you can make music, and it's good for dexterity. Jeopardy! Fun to play along with.


Not sure if it's good on the eyes but one of my favourite hobbies is crochet. I taught myself mostly, from the internet, but found a friend who also has the same hobby so she's helped me a lot with with just getting better, constant stitches.