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Hey! Wanted to show you a project I'm filming for Tested on Monday. 

I'm constantly working on good habits. I'm trying to do 10 minutes of yoga and 10 minutes of meditation every day (I'm on a three-week-streak so far!) and I'm looking for a way to treat myself for doing the good stuff I need to do. And what better way to treat yourself than with switches! They're like bubblewrap, but better because you can flip them over and over and over again. Bubblewrap is for amateurs.

So I'm making a habit calendar, where every day that I eat my vitamins + yoga and meditate, I get to flip a little switch:

The Illustrator file that I'm going to laser cut

All the switches for a month are in series, so if I do the things I need to do every day for a month, a little lightbulb at the top of the board lights up. I love these tiny lightbulbs so much I want nothing more than for them to be lit: 

I'm laser cutting the entire board out of black acrylic, here's a test cut that I made:

Test cut of blue acrylic to make sure the switches/lightbulb holders fit

So, it'll be 365 switches and SO MUCH WIRING! I kind of regret getting myself into this project because it'll be so so so repetitive. But if you've bought almost 400 switches you better use them for something. I'll just have to get my inner robot mode on.

But I did come up with a solution that will make the wiring a bit easier (and that made me feel very smart! Good feeling). Instead of stripping 365 tiny wires and wiring each one of them to the switches, I just thread all of the switches for a month onto exposed brass wire. Once I've put all of the switches into the acrylic board I'll solder each leg of the switches to the wire, and then cut them off where I don't want them to be connected. Will save me plenty of time! If it works, that is. 

All the switches for March threaded onto brass wire

I'll show you what it looks like once the board is done and my hands are bleeding and I'll never want to look at a switch again. It'll be fun! ZEN AF!



Programmable Spacecraft

Can you make it so missing a couple switches only dims the light? Otherwise you're screwed for the month if you miss only one day. I know I'd never get a single bulb to light :p


Very cool and suspiciously not shitty!

Stefan "MaskinJunior" Ivarsson

Lost opportunity,.. what rhymes with Switches? And she started her Patreon because she claimed not to be advertiser friendly...


Nice! but I see a flaw in this, if you miss a day, your whole month is ruined and you don't get the light :( I think you need switches with LEDs inside :)


I love the way laser-cut acrylic looks, but it has the most terrible smell when it's cutting. If you want to find a hole in your laser cutter exhaust system, cut some acrylic and wait for the garlic+hobo asshole acrylic acid smell to appear :(


Your thread-solder-snip plan makes me happy :)


Do you plan to have it turned on 24/7 ? If yes be aware that the light bulbs might burn out after a few months.


Skoj projekt! För egen del skulle det nog vara lite väl vågat att inte få ett ljus i alla fall varje vecka... :-)


OMG you're a genius! So, just to make sure, if you lose one day, the month's lightbulb won't turn on? (Also, i just join patreon today because of you)


that's actually a pretty great idea! I'm actually thinking of modifying the idea a bit and e.g. displaying a red/yellow/green bulb for the week, depending on how many times i've trained that week. So from 0-1 trainings it stays red, 2-3 yellow and >3 green light.


Don't forget February 29th!
