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It's the last two weeks of shooting and I'm really starting to feel the burn. Not when I pee, but in the whole rest of my body. I'm just really really tired. I fantasize about digging a hole in the ground and disappearing for a couple of weeks. Wait is this what bears feel before they go into hibernation? I get it, bear populous of the world. I'd hibernate too if I could.

As much as I've had a blast, it's also been a pretty heavy process. Being in front of the camera for almost every day for two months straight drains you in such a weird way. It's like I don't have any sparkle left. I get a bit disgusted with myself and all the extroverted energy I have to put on. I don't want to be funny, fleeky, witty, excited. I just want to be surrounded by trees and cuddle with animals, far away from wifi* 

I'm not really worried about it, I think I just need some time off and most of all: MORE BUILD TIME! Some off-camera woodworking. Sanding for the soul. I can't wait to be back in San Francisco with all my tools. 

TLDR; MEOW MEOW I'M TIRED AND NEED VACATION (and might have a bit of PMS too)

*If I ever start a bed and breakfast in the middle of the forrest I'll call it "away from wifi."



Jack Hodgson

Hang in there Simone. It'll be done soon. Just keep putting one foot in front of the other. When I reach the state you're in, I try to think about how good it's gonna feel when it's done.


Hey Simone! Sorry you're getting a bit crispy around the edges. That happens with creative projects, and it sounds like you're at the center (both planning and camera-wise) of this show, so it's extra-hard for you to take a break. The closest experience I've had was physics graduate school, which had periods of a couple of weeks up to a few months of working crazy hours. It was a long slog, but I didn't have to be chipper on camera through it. I hope you find a way to et even just a tiny break. Maybe sand (or paint) something random? Take apart something random and put it back together? (Off camera). RE: PMSing; I can't relate personally, but every once in a while my wife will be frustrated about not being able to get something to work, and she'll get mad, but then stop and realize "oh, right.....". Thanks for checking in. Hope your Sunday is relaxing. We'll be waiting when you get back. Until then, deep breaths. Know that you're an inspiratin to us all.


Oh Simone, do not ever hesitate in taking a break when you are done with this project. Do nothing for a few weeks, take on some vacations to some place where you feel at peace. And where you're relaxed, come back and make something fun and shitty. :)


Just some capybaras having a bath: <a href="https://www.facebook.com/TheBearShit/videos/1853614921569131/" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://www.facebook.com/TheBearShit/videos/1853614921569131/</a>


Take 15 mins to buy some icecream and enjoy a nice view


Keep going it will all be finished soon the you can sand too your hearts content you do look really tired and worn out in that shot


I know the feeling of burnout, unfortunately my job involved working with way to many psychologists! I recorded EEGs... ~) One idea could have a Bed &amp; Breakfast, with bandwidth limited to 56k. I remember those days.. and we were grateful!


Ta hand om dig Simone... verkligen lessen att läsa att du inte mår bra skickar en plopp och en kram hoppas du får lite semester att hamna i rampljuset med förväntningar på sig leverera varje dag inte den bästa inte kreativt eller roligt.


You've been in a whirlwind year. Its been amazing to watch and catch up with the progress and look forward to a rested and shiney Simone. Thanks for your dedication !


Jösses! Ta all semester du behöver!!! :-0 Inget är värt att bränna ut sig och du förtjänar fritid och lugn precis som alla andra!


hang in there bud, trees and animals are definitely a good remedy. If you can, try and slip away and just have a few minutes of quite time with the trees and the sound of the wind blowing through them. It can be extremely calming