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Hey everyone!

Thanks for sticking around and bearing with me as I stumble and work my way through art endeavours. I really appreciate everyone's support and interest in what I do. Really, you guys are great!

Last month I asked everyone to either unpledge or lower their patreon pledges down to the $1 Bab tier so I could rework the $5 Amazing Bab, and $10 Genuine Bab tiers. It wasn't right for me to keep those pledges up and not fulfilling them. Sometime soon I will be reimplementing them and I wished to publicly go over their perks.

Now, having given these pledges some thought, I realize I haven't much to offer everyone in the way of perks, given my production speed and output. So, I wish to reintroduce and emphasize these higher tiers as merely further options for those to support more and help me stay afloat. A majority of what I post will still be available from the $1 Bab tier.

$1 Bab

- Patreon Art Access (1 month ahead of public release)
- Patreon Quickie Access (Completely Patreon Exclusive)

$5 Amazing Bab

- (Everything Above)
- Suggestion Box (For Both Patreon and Quickie Projects)
- WIP Updates

$10 Genuine Bab

- (Everything Above)
- CSP Art File Downloads
- Custom Art pfp (2 Month Cooldown) (Can be used for Non-Patrons)

Let me know what ya'll think and if you'd be interested. I'm actually working on proper tier images for this site so as soon as I have those done I'll probably publish them again.

Thanks ya'll!



Sounds good!