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Hey everyone! I want to say thank you for sticking around so long as you have! I honestly don't deserve your patience and generosity and I want to apologize for my lack of professional work ethic and communication.

I'm not gonna try to make excuses, but to focus on doing more/better, and make myself worthy your support. I have a lot of making up to do and theres no better time than now. That being said, I'm announcing a restructuring of my Patreon and explain where we're going from here.

  • Removing Tiers

Between now and before the new pay period I am temporarily removing the Amazing and Genuine Bab tiers to figure out new and old perks (ones that I will actually keep up with.) This means everyone in those tiers will need to unsubscribe from them and either wait till I have them back up or consider pledging just the $1 Bab tier.

During this transitionary time I will be uploading my content as usual.

  • Increased Communication and Transparency

I'm ripping the bandaid off with this one. I've been a coward and hiding behind ghosting and silence and spontaneously showing back up out of nowhere after awhile of no word. That ends now. I will now be keeping a stable work schedule and be giving regular updates on my current work status. I will also be around daily on my neglected discord server and Patreon channel. Again, I want to apologize for my behaviour and promising to communicate more.

  • Daily Something!

I don't care what it is! A sketch, a quickie, a screenshot of a WIP, or a finished project, something artistic is getting posted! I have the capicity to be absolutely flooding this patreon with art but have been too scared or down on myself to think any of it is worth it. No more! I will be posting SOMETHING everyday. Mark my words!

Thank you guys so much for all you've given me. I really don't deserve you! As per my increased communication and transparency, I will be around to accept scolding and redicule for my actions (or lack thereof) and promise to be better.


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