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Here's to another month. A month of getting by, working late nights, and trying to keep up. I've obviously had my ups and downs, I've had my moments of weakness, and look at the greater picture I'm not entirely in the best of circumstances.

Which is why it makes everyone named here mean so much to me. All of you coming to my support to make this life work. Some of you who've been here for so long who just want to see me continue doing this work I enjoy. Those of you that are new and say the moment you saw some of my work that you just knew you wanted to see me keep going. Some of you who've came to my aid at times of emergency and times when I've doubted this whole life choice. Financially, emotionally, you've all helped not only my art career keep going, but also helped me keep going. All you generous and loving souls, I don't deserve any of you.

Thank you for being here. I sit back at the end of each month and I just can't believe it. Its so weird but amazing and heart warming and I just can't thank every one of you enough.

God bless, thank you!



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