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I'm usually a closed and shy person (I'm shy, here's pics of my horny drawings??) But the last month or so have been an absolute "adventure". From trying meds for my anxiety, experiencing the inability to form THOUGHTS as a side effect, quitting them cold turkey... which you're apparently not supposed to do... and I found out why.

 Weeks of weird dreams and nightmares, (One of them involving unspeakable things done with a Magikarp) and just general unwellness. 

If I didn't laugh I would cry, so I laugh at myself A LOT. 

Anyway. While coming down from the brain mix of the medication I got some sort of infection, and prescribed antibiotics that made me feel like I was going to throw up any second. 

I'm still going through the course of antibiotics as we speak, but I'm feeling so much better now. 

Thank you guys for trusting in me and hanging out even when I go cat mode  🥺 I have some pictures in progress that I'm excited to share in the next couple weeks! Thanks for reading ❤



Stryker Colt

feel better michi take your time